Hi, I’m Aly.

I’m a technology and GNU/Linux enthusiast based in Atlanta, Georgia. My journey into tech began in the mid-2000s, hosting websites on retro ThinkPads under my bed, installing SUSE Linux wherever I could, and reviving old tech destined for the graveyard—or at least the trash can. Since then, I’ve worn many hats: academic researcher, data analyst, software developer, and sysadmin.

These days, I’m all-in on Nix flakes and NixOS. I use Nix to develop, manage, and deploy everything from personal devices and servers to websites and even my Android phone. By day, I work in Search Engine Optimization, leveraging automated data analytics with AI tools to make you want to visit websites. By night, you’ll find me fully immersed in either my homelab or counter intelligence for the Xenofeminist slime horde. Whatever that means.

I’m currently exploring new opportunities in cloud and DevOps and always enjoy connecting with like-minded tech and industry folks. Feel free to drop me an email or find me on socials. Let’s chat!


aly@raffauflabs.com :: @alymch:matrix.org